About Tatjana Kpunkt

Warum Kpunkt?

Der Name "Tatjana Kpunkt" ist mehr als nur ein Künstlername. Er symbolisiert meine künstlerische Reise und meine Herkunft. "Kpunkt" leitet sich von meinem Mädchennamen Kelm ab, den ich in dieser Form abgewandelt und "auf den Punkt gebracht" habe.

Meine Botschaft konzentriert sich darauf, dass Fehler die beste Möglichkeit bieten, zu lernen und zu wachsen. Niemand ist perfekt, niemand ist vollendet, so wie die Kunst nie vollendet sein kann.

Born in 1992 in Ak-Suu (Kyrgyzstan), Tatjana migrated to Germany in 1999 as the sixth of twelve children, where she grew up under extremely difficult socio-economic conditions in the cultural city of Weimar until 2012.

Like countless late repatriates, the family has been searching for a homeland for generations and thus the contradiction between freedom and being tied down.

Since early childhood, Tatjana has found refuge in the world of fine art, theater, music and literature.

Nevertheless, the authoritarian, rule-abiding, perfectionist thinking of her upbringing still accompanies her artistic work and her personality today.

She has been acquiring her painting skills through self-study since 2022.

Experiences and influences:

With a Bachelor of Science in Psychology and currently completing my Masters in Psychology, I have a unique background that influences my artistic work. My psychological training allows me to gain profound insights into the human psyche and integrate these into my art.

In July 2023, I participated in a group exhibition that sparked my desire to engage more interactively with my audience. My style is influenced by classical oil painting of the European Renaissance, but also by modern artists such as Baselitz, Lucio Fontana, Robin Eley, Patrick Kramer, Lauren Bonham, Aiden Kringen, and Stephanie Rew. I am currently working with Richard T. Allgaier on painting from model.

Sustainability & Health:

Due to my background in work psychology, sustainability and health are particularly important to me in my art. I pursue a resource-, environment- and health-friendly approach when creating my works of art. I try as best as possible to use sustainable materials and techniques that have as little impact on the environment as possible. This is reflected not only in my works, but also in my artistic creative process.

Commissioned work:

I am open to commissioned work, especially in the area of ​​portrait painting in larger formats with gouache or oil, although this requires a longer processing time. I also increasingly enjoy quick, situational portraits.

Techniques and message:

In my work I use a variety of techniques including watercolor, gouache, oil, watercolor pencils, ink, mixed media, collage, photography and digital imaging.

My message focuses on the fact that mistakes are the best way to learn and grow. No one is perfect, no one is complete, just as art can never be perfect.

Why Kpunkt?

The name "Tatjana Kpunkt" is more than just a stage name. It symbolizes my artistic journey and my origins. "Kpunkt" is derived from my maiden name, which I consciously chose in this form against the background of my origins, modified and "brought to the point". It stands for my personal approach to my roots and my identity.